Material ، space ، time and flying saucer

مدیران انجمن: parse, javad123javad

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عضویت : شنبه ۱۳۸۹/۸/۲۲ - ۲۰:۰۶

پست: 4

Material ، space ، time and flying saucer

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Material ، space ، time and flying saucer
Key points
1- The whole world included of material, anti-material, space and the effects resulting from them are created from irresolvable and no-mass particles and the mass is only created by situational, wave, transition and rotation movements in the space (as it is proved that mass of objects changes by their velocity of movement). Without the space nothing will have the mass and nothing would exit and everything has existed in interaction with the space.
2- We can build a space craft as a flying saucer that can move by its rapid situational motion without severe increase of its mass by a velocity near the speed of light.
"Hemmat Komeili"
There are many realities in the world of existence that no clear and persuading response is provided concerning their existing essence. The responses in most cases are vague and very complicated, so that they are not understandable even for physicists. Now we should ask that if a theory or hypothesis is not understandable for scientists and even for the future generations, how much value it has to be mentioned. For instance, before they said time is the fourth dimension of material and now they say; it is the eleventh or twelfth dimension. In any case, what is the relation of time to place dimensions? How that is the three place dimensions are compatible and the other dimension has no similarity with the other three dimensions, meanwhile it is next to them? Isn’t it a deviational theory for cognition of time? Or for example they say; space curve, moreover it is understandable according to the information of scientists from space on that time, but it is not acceptable. Because, curving belongs to solids and not the space, as the curve of water and air is not imaginable and for phenomenon like light deviation around a black hole and other masses there should be another definition from space deviation to express the reality and not being misleading.
If we look fairly the reality is that in the physics' world, in some cases the discoveries that are defined as theory or hypothesis are the result of mathematical calculations and predictions especially investigation and extraction of Ryman and Gus's non-Euclidian vague geometry that in its place can be correct and valuable. However, in some cases, the ones who have reached these results could not take a clear path in stating the essence, method of work and interpretation and justification of discoveries and they couldn’t present a proper theory and provide acceptable responds to questions propounded. thus, according to this fact that a part of fundamental questions exist in physics, I will mention them and I will bring their respond based on my theory.
1- Is a particle dividable to infinite time?
For existence of the world of existence, it is necessary that an absolute and undividable particle exist, because if the particles were supposed to be divided to infinite time, then it would reach to zero and nothing and it is accepted by mathematics so we have to accept that the world is created from nothing and this is inacceptable because the world cannot be created from nothing.
2- Are the material and space infinite?
Material and space cannot be infinite, because infinite cannot be divided, while we can divide material and space. For instance, we can say the space is on our right or on our left or we can assume one cube meter of the space.
Infinite is not dividable and does not have beginning or ending, while we can assume one point of space as beginning and if we say that the other end is infinite it is non-sense because having the beginning is not compatible with the rules of infinite.
3- Is the space empty and from nothing?
Definitely the space is not empty and from nothing for two reasons; firstly, we see existence of space and existence cannot be from nothing. Secondly, if the space was empty and from nothing; what was the necessity for its mass to change by the speed of objects' movement in the space? If the space was from nothing, it would act inactive and its mass would not change by the change in the speed of objects' movement.
4- What are the materials and space made of?
The whole world included of material and anti-material are created from an absolute and undividable particle which means that the space is made of low motion and in inertia absolute particle. Material and anti-material are created from motion absolute particles. However, the direction of rotary motion of anti-material particles is in contrary to material particles' rotary motion direction.
I should add that absolute particles forming material have rotary motion inside electrons, protons and so on and they rotate like tornado in the space and they interact with space particles. I point out that these absolute particles do not have mass and mass is only created by transition, situational, rotary or wave movements in the space. Any movement that happens in the space would cause mass for the mover and the mass of objects in inertia is resulted by rotary motions of material's particles that exists in its elements which are electrons, protons and so on.
And although we said that material, anti-material and space are all created from a kind of absolute particle, due to separation and ease in discussion, we call the particles forming material "material particles", the particles forming anti-material "anti-material particles" and the particles forming the space "space particles".
5- How a space craft can be built that can move by the velocity near light speed without sever increase in its mass?
In order to be able to build a space craft that can move by the velocity near light speed without sever increase in its mass, this space craft should be built as a flying saucer so that it can have transitional movement simultaneously with its rapid situational movement. If the flying saucer exists in reality, it seems that it's specific form and rapid situational movement are designed to prevent sever increase in its mass in high speeds. Accuracy of this case can be examined by help of two atomic watches, one fixed on the earth and the other inside a plane that is moving in direction of the earth's and solar system transitional movement in high speed. In this state if the atomic watch inside the plane stays less reverse or not reversed when it has rapid situational movement compared to the state it does not have situational movement inside the plane.
I should add that maybe one day, human can be frozen in liquid nitrogen and sent by a flying saucer to space to be melted and become conscious in the destination, thus in this way human can travel to far starts and planets by the speed of light.
6- Why the situational movement of the spacecraft build in form of a flying saucer prevents sever increase of its mass in speeds near light speed?
Because increase of spacecraft's mass is resulted from "space particles" resistance against spacecraft. And this resistance of space is implied on all elements and particles of spacecraft. But, when the spacecraft turns around itself like a flying saucer, the resistance of space particles is less. It seems as if it pushes them back and in fact it creates a wave and flow of space particles to make the spacecraft able to continue their transitional movements in a speed near light speed without sever increase in its mass.
7- What is the reason for sever increase in mass in velocities near light speed?
Previously, I mentioned that space is created from non-mass absolute particles and when an object moves in the space, this motion cause movement in space particles as a wave and flow around and inside the object and even this would cause a wave and flow around electrons, protons and somehow inside them. As much the velocity of object's movement is higher, then the resistance of space particles is more and this speed would be like the light speed that is the extreme limit of movement for space particles as a wave (there is no opportunity for movement in wave for space particles). If in this state we push force on the object to move forward, then it seems like we have pushed the whole world because space particles are close to each other and because the whole space is not inside any other space to move inside it, thus the space's resistance against the object would be infinite. For instance, the velocity of a plane reaches to the speed of phoneme at the time that this speed is the extreme limit of movement for air molecules. Thus, in this state, the air resistance against the plane increases severely. Moreover, the plane can move by a speed higher than phoneme, because one cube meter of air can be compressed, but one cube meter of space cannot be compressed.
If the space particles exist inside objects, it means that they exist even inside electrons, protons and so on, thus at the time of objects' movement the mass of all particles existing inside objects and surface of objects like electrons and protons would increase and space particles can pass through objects.
I should add that if an object reaches to light speed without rapid situational movement, then this object would mo more be material, but it will change to light.
8- What is the time?
Time means change existing in material and from this change and movement in material and also the change and movement of material in ourselves, our mind has made something called time. I add that material and space have exterior existence, but contrary to them, the time does not have exterior existence and as our mind has made concepts like "up and down" from the falling of objects by gravity, while there is no up or down in the world of existence, thus it has made a concept called time from the change and movement of materials. Time is neither the fourth dimension nor the eleventh or twelfth dimensions. Despite it is located near place dimensions in mathematics, in reality time has fundamental differences by place dimensions.
I mention that time is not eternal and since one end of that is at present thus its start and end cannot be infinite and time would have an ending. It means that when the lifetime of materials ends the time would end too.
By increase of object's mass in higher speeds, time pass is decreased in them, because by increase of mass the change in objects is slower, thus the time pass is slower in them too.
9- What are different lights?
No mater different lights are visible or invisible at any wavelength; they are all resulting from the wave created in the sea of "space particles". For example, when there is an impact or tension between electrons and protons, a wave is created in the sea of "space particles" from the impact of "their material particles" and "space particles" around them that is called light wave. Moreover, in such impacts a number of "material particles" of electrons and protons transforms to "space particles" and that is why they say material is transformed to energy in atomic fission. However, in atomic fission protons are formed again.
Mass of light is as a result of wave movement of "space particles" that this wave movement is called light. Because, mass is usually created by wave, rotation, transition and situational movements in the space.
10- What is the mass?
Mass is the result of "material particles" movement in the space. It means that mass is created from interaction of "space particles" with "material particles". Any movement in space causes creation of mass for the mover, even if the mover is a part of space. For example, light is a part of space that has wave movement.
When we make an object have transitional movement in the space by force, then the object's mass increases and this increase of mass is as a result of wave and a flow of "space particles" that is created around and inside the object. Thus, this wave and flow of "space particles" and "material particles" that are in interaction is called mass increase. Moreover, when objects are fixed in the space again they have mass that is as a result of "material particles" movement inside the object. For instance, in electrons and protons, "material particles" are in rotation and interaction with "space particles". This state creates a wave and flow of "space particles" around and inside the objects. Mass of fixed objects is dependent to that wave and flow of "space particles" and "material particles" that are in interaction with each other.
I point out that the mean by "space particles" or "material particles" is mostly the rotary movements of "space particles" or "material particles" that happens in circular or other form paths.
As it is proved, by increase of object's movement speed in space, their mass would increase and by decrease of object's movement speed their mass would decrease, thus it is clear that mass is in relation with movement. Thus, if there is no movement in the material and even inside particles like electrons and protons, then that material would not have mass and would become space.
11- Wave and flow of "space particles" would provide the possibility of how many long-term movements in the space for objects?
Two types of movements, it means transitional movement in direct path and situational movement that this situational movement exists for particles as electrons and protons.
If we make an object have transitional movement in the space, that object would continue its movement for milliard years in direct path and if we make an object have situational movement in the space, that object would continue its movement for milliard years.
I add that particles as electrons and protons are made in their situational movement from the very beginning and this situational movement would continue to the end of their lifetime and "the particles of their materials" are turning like tornado while they are continuously in interaction with "space particles".
There is another long term movement in the space that is light's wave movement that happens in the space for light.
12- What are electrical, magnetic and mass gravity cohesions and recedes from?
The cohesion that exists among electrons and protons is the cohesion created from impact of "the particles of their materials" which are turning against each other's direction and because mass of proton is more than electron, thus electrons turn around protons due to impact of "material particles" of proton with "material particles" electron. Proton both attracts electron and pushes it forward. As a result electron turns around proton. However, the gravity that exists among protons of an atom's core is not like the gravity among electrons and protons, but in fact all of the protons of an atom's core are like a big proton. It means that they turn around atom's core altogether. But, in each proton there is a slower situational movement inside atom's core that in this way each proton is separated from the other protons of an atom's core and the whole atom's core is like a big proton. As a proton is not collapsed, an atom's core would not collapse either. But when they take distance from each other (for example as impact of notron's particles) in that case they would not turn together and in this state, severe impact are created among "their material particles" which have the same direction of rotation. And a sever recede is created and a number of "their material particles" are sent out and the protons form in atom's core once again and in the flow of these impacts a lot of energy is produced that is called nuclear energy.
At the end I mention that magnetic and electrical cohesion and recede are created from rotation of "particles" of different materials like "material particles" of atoms, electrons and protons. This rotation of "material particles" around atoms and tinier particles like electrons and protons is like a tornado in the space which is continuously in interaction with the "space particles". And since the way and rotation of "material particles" vary, thus they are divided to different types of cohesions and recedes of electrical and magnetic. Mass gravity shows that the sum of cohesions between materials is more than sum of their recedes because mass gravity exists but apparently mass recede does not exist.

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عضویت : چهارشنبه ۱۳۸۷/۲/۱۱ - ۱۰:۲۲

پست: 1730

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