Black holds and space curvature

مدیران انجمن: parse, javad123javad

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عضویت : شنبه ۱۳۸۹/۸/۲۲ - ۲۰:۰۶

پست: 4

Black holds and space curvature

پست توسط hemmatkomeili »

In the name of God
Black holds and space curvature
One Hadith is: an hour of thinking is better than seventy years of worship. On the other hand we have been prohibited from thinking about the nature of God. The reason is very clear because the result would be thinking of God in nature, and the capacity of our mind is limited and cannot reach to the infinite nature of God. One of the most tangible examples is the spirit of men. Our understanding about the nature of human spirit is not attained much progress because God about the soul of the men stated: I inspire with my soul at him.
An interesting quote from Einstein has stated: If we can’t explain a theory for children, that theory will not have any value.
Total deduction of what was said is that studying something that is beyond our mental ability, will be loss of the life and will consider useless and alien.
Sometimes, some ideas discuss in the knowledge of physics that any speaker and the listener will not understand them. Because the data of these opinions rely on mathematical equations rather than be the product of human thought. Of course it would be considered if one of the theories and components of this equation is false, may affect the total results.
Recently, total dimensions of space and time are given to 12 numbers. Even if we suppose that these theories are quite right, but because it is very difficult and these assumptions are out of human power, and even physicists agree that it is not able to imagine, it is not possible to recognize the universe and the various phenomena through them. Therefore, the writer nevertheless is in respect to these theories, believes that it exists the more simple, more realistic and more understandable methodology for viewing the World.
Generally, theories and assumptions must be easier tools to recognize goals and complex phenomena; for example, screwdriver is a simple tool to open a clock and to know its function, but if your tool is incomprehensible and irrational, the recognition a phenomenon will be such as opening the clock will be hammered.
We know that understanding of the human are formed through the experiences which he receives with their various senses, for example, one cannot assume a color that he ever seen; if we didn’t see the blue or green color, we never could imagine that in the mind with thinking.
Or for example, they apply the term ” space curvature”, that of course, regarding scientists information about space at that time, this nomination is understandable, but not acceptable, because elasticity( curving) is special for solids not space, as the curvature of liquids and gases such as water and air is not supposable and workable , and we should present another definition for phenomenon such as light around black holes and other various luminaries to be able to illustrate the reality so that it is not seducer and sinuous. Or when they use the term” space expansion”, they should present a convincing reason for their claim , and when they say” because galaxies are getting( moving) away (from each other), so the space is expanding” is not an acceptable reason.How they can relate galaxies ‘escape(running away) to space expansion? If there is no space before galaxies, so how galaxies are capable of creating space before( beforehand) themselves in order to go forward ?
By the way, claims and arguments of this type, results in wonder and marvel of scientists and other scientific societies, Consequently, it is necessary to avoid or, at least, we should talk in a way that it can be understandable for specialists:

Although physics scientists can solve some mathematical equations ever had solved, or even they can relate some cosmic or physics findings with the provisions of these equations, but certainly they can’t know the universe and its various phenomena by this 12 dimensional view; they always remain within a three-dimensional limit. After "Where are you going?"
Now, the question is whether a solution simple exists to know the world and its phenomena fundamental?
Unfortunately, today, the possibility of getting a new hypothesis and theories is very difficult and limited. For example, it is said: writing the articles and new ideas should be presented in the principles that we've defined; otherwise they will not be accepted in the scientific centers and journals. Or it is said: anyone who is going to discuss a new hypothesis or theory, you must first say that for example, another people in that case have presented these ideas and have reached certain stages; otherwise if someone introduced an entirely new assumptions and theories that are bounty, they don’t even consider.
Now the question is why we achieve to this situation? Isn’t this problem because some people are monopolized? Is there any possibility that perhaps some people are planning that their achievements and results always remain sacred and not distorted? Don’t they hear about the history of science and exploration? Don’t they know how much fantasy and science fiction stories and peoples like Jules Verne have been effective? And perhaps, domain knowledge, like many social areas, has become sectarian.
So why do we let other people and theoreticians to define writing standards for the articles.
Of course, we will not retreat with these plans and plots. Our ancient scholars have said that: Scientists may be stupid, but stupid thinker never exists.

Key points:
1. Black hole in the space is similar to a vortex or twister, so it would be better to call it as space twist or space twister.
2. The black holes in the centers of galaxies are larger than galaxies themselves.
3. Space curvature is resulted from space twister or as a part of the very space twist.
4. There is no absolute straight line and there is no absolute curved line.
5. Space is not expanding.
6. Difference in galaxies escape velocity( speed) results from first moments of the great explosion
In Daneshmand monthly magazine vol.536, I had mentioned a theory titled "a search into the substance, space and time identity" which could be researched in the same title in a number of websites quoted from this magazine that is summarized as below:
1. The entire world including substance, anti substance, space and impacts resulted from them have all been created by indissoluble particles and without mass, and mass is created only through relative, transitional, rotational or wave motion in the space or in other words: mass means space resistance against any motion occurring in the space (as approved, substance mass changed with any change in their motion), there will be neither mass for nothing without space, nor there will be anything to be existed. Anything has been substantiated in cooperation with space.
2. It is possible to make a spaceship in the form of UFO which is able to move in a speed near to light speed with its fast relative motion without sever increase in the mass. The revised version of above paper exists into my weblog address:
I need to mention that it seems impossible to have a better understanding of below issues with studying above paper, but I want to address the other concepts of basic phenomena of physics such as the identity of black holes, space curvature and other fundamental phenomena in aspect of above-mentioned theory.
1. How is the identity and characteristic if black hole?
a. A black hole in the space is a phenomenon similar to vortex or twister, so it is better to call it space twist or space twister. It has been created through a cooperation between wave and a stream of particles forming space with particles forming black hole (as I mentioned before that the whole world including substance, space and even black holes has been created by an indissoluble particle and without mass. A black hole rotates itself with a fast relative motion and the more we get near to the center of black hole, the number of its relative rotations will be more, because black holes are no resemble to rotating bullet but as twisters and because there is no friction between the black hole and its surrounding space as we know among the substances. (There is no friction there but a contact between particles forming black hole and particles forming space) thus, this rotation of black hole continues as the lifelong of a black hole.
In fact, a black hole resembles to an electron or a large proton and it differs in that the electrons and protons themselves have been created by the particles in which particles such as protons of an atom nucleus rotates beside each other. (I have described the atom nucleus identity). If we split a proton many times, probably its final particles will be micro-black holes. However, macro black holes have not been generated by particles such as protons, neutrons and the like but they are similar to micro-black holes only with a larger size.
Macro-black holes have not been created by a series of micro-black holes, although it is possible that many small black holes being larger than micro-black holes with longer life such as protons of an atom nucleus remain beside each other. Altogether, they form a set of heavy mass but its name will not be called black hole but it should be titled another name. Therefore, macro-black holes are not a composition set and of course, the very great strength and also the high gravity of each black hole originate from its combination from various particles. In sum, a black hole is a part of space taking a relative motion. Therefore, a black hole can be present without being surrounded by stars in the space.
b. A black hole contains a very great mass but its center is too cold. Of course, not because a black hole releases energy but regarding the fact that a black hole is in cooperation with its surrounding space, hitting the particles forming the space. It also hits the atoms and particles coming from surrounding, so it releases energy and reduces its lifecycle but it's too lower than the high volume energy hidden in the black hole. However, the black hole and its center is too cold, because it has not been created by particles such as protons, neutrons or smaller particles and as the center of a proton or electron is very cold, the center of a black hole will also be too cold. Of course, as it was cited, the black hole being cold is no implication for the absence of energy into it, because if two black holes hit each other and if they absorb each other, then a high degree of energy will be released so that they will destroy each other creating a new black hole, because they will rotate around an axis before destroying each other, and this incident is an introduction for a new black hole to be born.
c. In fact, black holes are space twisters in various mass and size, now if the light hits the central parts of this great space twist, then the light loses its wave form and is destroyed (I had mentioned in the previous paper that light is a wave in the world of particles forming space), but if it wants to pass the incidence horizon or beyond it, shifting and deviating by means of this space twister. For example, suppose we create a vortex into a pool and on the other side of this pool, we wave the water by hitting on, in this case water wave is destroyed while hitting the center of vortex and if passes away from the center of vortex, then it will be deviated from its path by means of this vortex. Similar to this incident also happens in the center and around the black hole, and it is called a deviated space where light has been shifted (deviated) its path, and that deviation is called a space, of course particles such as electrons, protons and also celestial bodies i.e. stars, planets create a deviation against their center in the space or as a better statement "space twister" (here space twister means no black hole but something similar to space twisting) that mass attraction is resulted from this space twister or in another word as the product of space deviation.
Sun creates a space twister around itself and it's because of this space twister that comets never crash on the sun but pass by it and also it's because of this space twister that electron never falls on the proton but rotates around it. Of course it should be noted that each one of magnetic and electrical attractions and repulsions are in their specific forms and motions considered as a kind of space twister or in another words as a deviation in the space.
d. A black hole is not as much as to incident horizon but incident horizon is where light deviation is more obvious, otherwise wherever there is a sign for the mass attraction of black hole would be a part of black hole e.g. the size of black hole in the center of Milky Way Galaxy is larger than Milky Way Galaxy itself, as the size of a proton is not just a small particle but wherever there is a sign for it as an attraction or repulsion, it would be a part of proton and also the remainder of particles.
1. To provide a general solution in order to compute( calculate) diameter of the smallest bit of the space and substance:
Beforehand, we refer to two basic and fundamental points : first, space is not expanding, but only galaxies are spacing( are getting away) from each other on the space and if we assume space expansion to be true, it is related to creation period and has ended up, therefore, at present, the whole space is stable and steady. Second, substance and its outcomes have been produced on a calm and restful space, i.e. before happening the great explosion and engendering substances, the world was only a steady, dark and immovable space.
But the other notable point is that the whole space is the largest sphere which it is not possible to find a sphere larger than that, so, if we assumably draw a line on the surface of this large sphere, so the said line would be the straightest line and it is impossible that there has been a line straighter than that(line). Thus, if we draw this line one time around the whole space, we can obtain a circle being the largest circle.
But the smallest bit forming substance and space, is the smallest sphere which it is not possible to have a sphere smaller than that(sphere) and if we assume a line on the surface of this smallest sphere, so that line will be the most curved line and if we draw this line one time around the smallest sphere, so we can obtain a circle being the smallest one.
All creatures are limit and there is no absolute creature. Therefore, in reality, there is no absolute straight line and no absolute curved line and all things have been created in their crown, so the space has been created as large as it should be and the smallest bits forming space and substance have been created as small as possible. Thus, by this presumption, i.e. the straightest and the most curved lines and using non-Euclid ambiguous geometry and its related equations, we can calculate diameters of the space and the smallest bit forming space.
2. Why the most distant galaxies have more escape speed?
As it has been specified, those galaxies which are more distant from the centre of the great explosion, the speed of their escape and receding is more, therefore, it is sounded that the cause of this problem returns to the first moments of the great explosion, because at first moments, the substances of those galaxies which presently are more distant, have had less obstacles on their pass.The reason was that they have been stood on external surface of the great explosion , and therefore on the time of happening the great explosion, they have take more escape speed, but the substances of those galaxies which were closer to the centre of the great explosion, have had more obstacles on their pass and encountered them and as a result, it has prevented their taking speed on the first moments of happening the great explosion.
3. How the most distant galaxies have been shoved to places where presently they are ?
It is said that some galaxies are seen in distances more than 13 milliard light year(astronomical year) , then if we can absolutely prove that only one great explosion has been happened on the whole world, not several explosions in different places, thus we can accept that these galaxies have shoved with a speed more than light speed( velocity) , i.e. they have shoved as black holes having very quick rotation and after encountering(sideswiping )space forming bits, their speed have been reduced and they have turn to galaxies, any way, this problem should be studied further, because nothing without very quick rotation, can move with a speed more than light speed, i.e. if a substance without quick rotation was able to reach light speed, then, it will be collapsed as a result of encountering space forming bits and therefore it will turn to light.
4. How great explosion has happened?
Regarding that great explosion is a very large effect, so a cause has produced it.(cause and effect). Therefore, returning galaxies to one place and its resultant explosion does not seem workable, because galaxies distance ( from each other) is too much, therefore, it is not possible that they return to one place simultaneously. At present which galaxies are getting away from each other, there is the possibility that the life of their substances end up until their return. Consequently, the only cause of happening great explosion was God’s will, the matter that without taking it in to account, physics science will reach a deadlock.
The end

نمایه کاربر

محل اقامت: Winnipeg

عضویت : دوشنبه ۱۳۸۹/۶/۲۹ - ۱۴:۳۲

پست: 364

سپاس: 76

Re: Black holds and space curvature

پست توسط me-alone »

that was graet!!!
there is just one small thing!!!
it was too LOMG so i got bord and i didnr read it!!
but it was graet anyway
من زنم و به همان اندازه از هوا سهم میبرم
که ریه های تو!
درد آور است که من آزاد نباشم تا تو به گناه نیفتی!
قوس های بدنم بیشتر از افکارم به چشمهایت ما آیند!
تاسف بار است که باید
لباس هایم را به میزان ایمان تو تنظیم کنم!

سیمین دانشور

نمایه کاربر

عضویت : چهارشنبه ۱۳۸۷/۲/۱۱ - ۱۰:۲۲

پست: 1730

سپاس: 54


Re: Black holds and space curvature

پست توسط garfield »


نمایه کاربر
amant de transition

عضویت : یک‌شنبه ۱۳۸۹/۸/۹ - ۱۹:۰۷

پست: 106

سپاس: 1

Re: Black holds and space curvature

پست توسط amant de transition »

That was better 2 be classified in different topics
u know i didn't read them all cuz i just confused and floated in the world of alphabets .it was 2 long smile033
anyway thank u smile072
آخرین ویرایش توسط amant de transition یک‌شنبه ۱۳۸۹/۱۰/۱۹ - ۱۲:۳۷, ویرایش شده کلا 1 بار
آنان که فانوسشان را
بر پشت می برند
سایه هایشان پیش پایشان می افتد.....!

نمایه کاربر
amant de transition

عضویت : یک‌شنبه ۱۳۸۹/۸/۹ - ۱۹:۰۷

پست: 106

سپاس: 1

Re: Black holds and space curvature

پست توسط amant de transition »

By the way
we have been prohibited from thinking about the nature of God.
i" do" admit u
آنان که فانوسشان را
بر پشت می برند
سایه هایشان پیش پایشان می افتد.....!

نمایه کاربر

محل اقامت: تهران

عضویت : دوشنبه ۱۳۸۹/۱/۳۰ - ۱۷:۱۴

پست: 664

سپاس: 23


Re: Black holds and space curvature

پست توسط Sinasuperman »

thanks a lot but just like my friend said , it was to long and without image and such a things it got a little boring.I'm look after sth new from U!
. Sina.j
. معما را در اینجا اینجابیابید..
. دیدن این رو از دست ندید.
تو به مردم ایده حرکت به آینده رو خواهی داد، آنها در پشت تو برخواهند خواست، خواهند لغزید و خواهند افتاد و در آخر درخورشید به تو خواهند پیوست؛در آخر تو به اونها کمک خواهی کرد به شگفتی ها دست پیدا کنند...


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