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Difference between Radiotelescopes & optical telescopes

ارسال شده: دوشنبه ۱۳۹۲/۹/۱۱ - ۱۶:۳۲
توسط غلامعلی نوری
?why Radiotelescopes are better than Optical telescopes

Re: Difference between Radiotelescopes & optical telescopes

ارسال شده: سه‌شنبه ۱۳۹۲/۹/۱۹ - ۱۹:۳۸
توسط m!sS Nah!D
Radio telescope

Radio telescopes are used to study radio waves and microwaves between wavelengths of about 10 meters and 1 millimeter emitted by astronomical objects. Radio waves with wavelengths longer than about 10 meters are absorbed and reflected by the Earth's atmosphere and do not reach the ground. Many radio waves shorter than 1 centimeter are also absorbed by the Earth's atmosphere and only a few wavelength bands make it through. Wavelengths between 1 and 20 cm only experience minor distortions while traveling through the atmosphere and signal processing software can be used to correct for these effects.
Optical telescope
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Eight Inch refracting telescope (Chabot Space and Science Center)

optical telescope

An optical telescope is a telescope which is used to gather and focus light mainly from the visible part of the electromagnetic spectrum to directly view a magnified image for making a photograph, or collecting data through electronic image sensors.

There are three primary types of optical telescope: refractors which use lenses (dioptrics), reflectors which use mirrors (catoptrics), and catadioptric telescopes which use both lenses and mirrors in combination.

A telescope's light gathering power and ability to resolve small detail is directly related to the diameter (or aperture) of its objective (the primary lens or mirror that collects and focuses the light). The larger the objective, the more light the telescope can collect and the finer detail it can resolve.


Optical telescopes can not see through the clouds of dust and gases that surround and permeate our galaxy. A radio telescope can. What this means is that a radio telescope can see far further into the universe than an optical telescope.

Re: Difference between Radiotelescopes & optical telescopes

ارسال شده: سه‌شنبه ۱۳۹۲/۹/۱۹ - ۲۱:۳۹
توسط غلامعلی نوری
nptbprof نوشته شده:Radio telescope


Optical telescopes can not see through the clouds of dust and gases that surround and permeate our galaxy. A radio telescope can. What this means is that a radio telescope can see far further into the universe than an optical telescope.

I hope you will always be successful and healthy. Thanks again a lot.

Re: Difference between Radiotelescopes & optical telescopes

ارسال شده: سه‌شنبه ۱۳۹۲/۹/۱۹ - ۲۲:۰۶
توسط m!sS Nah!D
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I hope you will always be successful and healthy. Thanks again a lot.
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