
مدیران انجمن: parse, javad123javad

نمایه کاربر

عضویت : جمعه ۱۳۸۶/۱/۳۱ - ۲۱:۲۴

پست: 366

سپاس: 2

Re: Quran

پست توسط MRM »

It sounds that we have gone far away.
As I'm really busy these days,I want others to continue the topic.
آخرین ویرایش توسط MRM دوشنبه ۱۳۸۸/۹/۹ - ۱۸:۴۵, ویرایش شده کلا 1 بار
من اکنون در این شرایط سخت میگویم خدایی هست

میرحسین موسوی خامنه

آنگاه که غرور کسي را له مي کني،
آنگاه که کاخ آرزوهاي کسي را ويران مي کني،
آنگاه که شمع اميد کسي را خاموش مي کني،
آنگاه که بنده اي را ناديده مي انگاري ،
آنگاه که حتي گوشت را مي بندي تا صداي خرد شدن غرورش را نشنوي،
آنگاه که خدا را مي بيني و بنده خدا را ناديده مي گيري ،
مي خواهم بدانم،
دستانت را بسوي کدام آسمان دراز مي کني تا براي خوشبختي خودت دعا کني؟.
بسوي کدام قبله نماز مي گزاري که ديگران نگزارده اند؟

نمایه کاربر
هرمز پگاه

محل اقامت: پاريس

عضویت : جمعه ۱۳۸۴/۶/۱۸ - ۱۹:۲۷

پست: 7238

سپاس: 978


Re: Quran

پست توسط هرمز پگاه »

MRM نوشته شده:
هرمز پگاه نوشته شده:anti-human religon of Islam
So you mean that humanity is important for you?
هرمز پگاه نوشته شده: with the rubbish verses of
هرمز پگاه نوشته شده:And the crazy islamists( terrorists)
Great humanity rule you follow!!!
Where did you learn it?
I certainly follow ! the principles of humanism , and that is why I am an anti-Islamist.
Any honourable human being has to fight the Islam , which is a fascist ideology.
This is obvious that in Islam, the non-Muslem are worthless, even "untouchable dirty" (najes),
and that the Muslims can make them to slaves ( If they get powerful enough as the first
centuries of this violent and aggressive religion). In Islam, even Muslem women are
considered as half Idiots , with less than half of social rights of a man. Mohammad himself
sent assassins and terrorists to kill his opponents , who only used poems and speeches to
explain the brutality of his actions and falseness of his claims , for example "kaab bin Ashraf".
Thus, such a "religion" is a deadly danger for the humanity
and it's civilization and must be destroyed as soon as possible!
آخرین ویرایش توسط هرمز پگاه چهارشنبه ۱۳۸۸/۹/۱۱ - ۱۷:۵۱, ویرایش شده کلا 1 بار
خرد، زنده ی جــاودانی شنــاس
خرد، مايه ی زنــدگانی شنــاس
چنان دان هر آنكس كه دارد خرد
بــدانــش روان را هــمی پــرورد

نمایه کاربر
هرمز پگاه

محل اقامت: پاريس

عضویت : جمعه ۱۳۸۴/۶/۱۸ - ۱۹:۲۷

پست: 7238

سپاس: 978


Re: Quran

پست توسط هرمز پگاه »

xm4nx_102 نوشته شده:In the name of Allah
all of Hormoz s speech include different insult.
If we want to check from where he had educated , we can not understand he has family to educate him or ...
at begin to end of his speech >>just insulting.
terrorism is a people that no have any culture and norm ... and they behave kind they like.
we will happy if you tell us what s your norm in life that can tell you human not animal.
1- There is no Allah, all this is a big fake to rule some ignorants!
2- I said only the truth about Islam , and this is true that
the verses of Quraan, are rubbish! For example, it claims
that there are really "jinn" s in our world !
Or there are seven solid spheres or heavens above us !
Or that women are half idiots ! and half worthy as men!
Or that Muslims are " pure" and non-Muslims are impure!
that Einstein can not go to "Paradise", but a islamic
bomber and terrorist can go there to please 70 virgins!

The readers can also see , how a Muslim argues, if they
read the quoted part above: Only fallacies such as
" Ad Hominem Argumentum" , (as referring to my family!
or culture?), and calling me an animal!, ( considering
that in Islam, the final goal , ideal and paradise, is only
the animal act of sex for all eternity with a hord of virgins (Huri) and
young boys (Qelmaan) , fuddling etc.

The excellent English of these Islamists can also
show how educated they selves are!!
خرد، زنده ی جــاودانی شنــاس
خرد، مايه ی زنــدگانی شنــاس
چنان دان هر آنكس كه دارد خرد
بــدانــش روان را هــمی پــرورد

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